Our ministries represent the core and the future of Tallaweka Baptist Church. This is where disciples are made and where we draw nearer to our God and Savior. This is where the Holy Spirit prepares us and where we learn about God’s will for us. Won’t you join one of there ministries?
Golden Crystals Ministry
Leader: Paula Miller
Information: The Golden Crystals are the senior adult group at Tallaweka Baptist Church. This group is a fellowship based group and is intended to increase the interrelationships between senior adults.
Men’s Ministry (Brotherhood)
Leader: Lonnie Smith
Information: The men of Tallaweka consider it a privilege and opportunity to be in Christian brotherhood. The unity and strength of our men is based upon relationships and we strive to build strong, yet independent relationship between each other.
Women On Mission (WMU)
Leader: Laura Morrison
Information: Heart to Heart is our Women Mission Union (WMU) group for ladies at Tallaweka Baptist Church. The group meets monthly on the fourth Sunday at 5:00 PM. We seek to minister to all ladies and promote mission projects to share the love of Jesus throughout our community, in our state, and around the world.
Youth Ministry
Leader: Brantley Chandler
Information: Tallaweka’s Youth groups meet on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM and Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. We have a great time learning about God and Jesus through the teachings of the Holy Bible.
Children’s Ministry
Leader: Michaela Chandler
Information: The Children’s Program at Tallaweka Baptist Church is composed of ages birth – 6th grades. It is our goal to share our own love and passion for Christ with our children; so that, they may learn about Jesus and nurture their relationship with Him.